Making a Fieldwork and Research Donation to Altogether Archaeology

All donations in support of our fieldwork and research activities will be identified accordingly within our funds and spent only in this way.

To make a donation please follow one of these two options below:

Donation by Internet Banking
Use this link to complete a simple donation form which is only seen by the Treasurer. The form can be anonymous if you wish.

Then send your donation by on-line direct bank transfer including the words: 'Lidar Donation' in the reference field.
All the required Altogether Archaeology Internet Banking Information is displayed on the next page, and can be printed for easy of use.

Anonymous donations will be treated in strict confidence.

Donation by Post
Download this form and print the single page, then post the completed confidential form, together with a cheque to the address on the form.
You will find the form in your 'Downloads' folder. Look for file: F-R Donations form.pdf

The form can be anonymous if you wish. Any anonymous donations will be treated in strict confidence by the Membership Secretary whose postal address is on the form, and the Treasurer.
Thank you. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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