Altogether Archaeology News Archive

Holwick Stories - An Update
We thought it was about time to take our archaeological exploration in new directions, so, in May, Altogether Archaeology was delighted to work with audio producer, Rachel Cochrane and Lonely Tower Film and Media to document the stories behind our Holwick excavation. Budding archaeologists from Cotherstone Primary School joined us on site to discover their heritage and kept us on our toes with their energy, enthusiasm and curiosity, which continued undimmed when we visited the school to deliver a finds processing and creative writing workshop. If you want to find out what we’ve been up to, go to the Altogether Archaeology homepage where you can gain a unique insight into the dig and the finds processing workshop via snippets of the Lonely Tower film. You can listen to a fascinating series of podcast interviews produced by Rachel, including some fantastic stories from our visitors by following this link. All of this was made possible through generous funding support from Northern Heartlands
Cleaning finds needs concentration! (photo Marie Gardiner) Finds processing class (photo Marie Gardiner)
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Rachel Cochrane interviewing on site (photo Mike Powell) Lonely Tower filming at Holwick (photo Mike Powell)
News Record: 53     Updated: 21-07-2019 13:00:42

  Altogether Archaeology News Archive