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Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 6 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Trench 3 north east end Trench 3 north east end
Another fine day at Holwick. Ideal excavation weather.

Going around the trenches:

Trench 3: this medieval building is becoming very substantial. It is difficult to appreciate that in a single oblique image, so take a look at yesterday's blog to view the photogrammetric plan view. Having said that, there has been a good chunk of grass along the southern side removed since then. There will be another plan view image in the near future. Photo top left is a tiny room at the north east end of the building, nicknamed the kennel because of the dog-bowl found just outside (see image top right!)

Trench 4: Today, some of the flags have been lifted within the structure. Image bottom left shows one of the areas where flags have been removed. We have not found any evidence what this feature is. Personally I think that it was probably abandoned before it was completed. Yesterday's blog also has a plan view of this trench and of the next trench, Trench 5.

Like Trench 4, Trench 5 is not easily understood. We initially thought the earthwork was twin celled with both halves being the same width. It is now looking like the eastern end is much narrower, as we have deturfed quite a lot of grass here and found another wall.
The southern wall may change too. Hopefully there will be more information about that tomorrow. Image bottom right shows Barbara and Sue looking for a floor surfaces within the scooped structure.

Trench 4 - looking for archaeology under the flagstones   Trench 5 - Looking for a floor in the scooped end of Trench 5.
Project Record: 11     Last Update on: 17-05-2018 18:29:35     Internet Views: 1103