Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 7 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Martin Green talking to Stewart Ainsworth whilst looking at Trench 3. Trench 3 this afternoon
A whole week of perfect excavation weather - extraordinary!

Very nice to see our Honorary President Stewart Ainsworth today at the excavation (top left image), and welcome Al Oswald to this site.

Trench 3 was extended yesterday at the western end. Quite a lot of pottery was found. It is looking like a further extension westwards is on the cards too.

Trench 5 was a bit short on manpower today but progress was made in all areas. An abundance of Stephens (3) lead to a bit of confusion at times.
Trench 3 this afternoon   Trench 5 with Alan (Siren) Newham and Stephen H
Project Record: 12     Last Update on: 19-05-2018 04:43:36     Internet Views: 1130