Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 11 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Trench 3 on Day 10 May 21st 2018 Trench 4 on Day 10 May 21st 2018
Tuesday 22nd May Day 11: No blog this evening due to lack of time tonight.

Top left is the plan view of T3 from yesterday's photogrammetry images.

Top right image is Trench 4 photogrammetric plan view.

Fore comparison the bottom left image is Trench 3 on Day 5.

For comparison this is Trench 3 on Day 5  
Project Record: 16     Last Update on: 22-05-2018 17:06:59     Internet Views: 1106