Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 13 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Trench 4 with GPS. Trench 3 and 5 showing why the settlement gets flooded, as it is sited below the valley from the moorland above Holwick Scars.
Apologies for not posting a blog yesterday, I totally forgot to take any images!

Both Trenches 4 and 5 are effectively complete. Just a few stones to remove in Trench 5 to see if anything of importance is underneath. Final photogrammetry has been taken Trench 5 which will be processed tomorrow all being well. Trench 3 is scheduled to be photographed tomorrow.


Top left - Measuring Trench 4 with the GPS with Holick in the background.

Top right - This settlement site is prone to flash floods after very heavy rain on the moorland above Holwick Scars

Bottom left - This morning's visitors looking at Trench 4.

Bottom Right - This afternoon's visitors looking at Trench 3.

Open day for visitors this morning.   Open day for visitors this afternoon.
Project Record: 17     Last Update on: 24-05-2018 19:32:36     Internet Views: 1096