Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 14 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Plan view of Trench 5 Starting to backfill Trench 5
Day 14 and the first drops of serious rain for the last hour of the working day. Trench 4 has now been backfilled, and after lunch we recorded the last feature in Trench 5 and started backfilling that trench too.

Talking of Trench 5, the final overhead image of Trench 5 is shown above left. Above right: Alan is practicing his 'bowling technique' whilst backfilling the stones into Trench 5.

Image below left: You can tell when an excavation is reaching a conclusion when the head scratching rate increases - often something to do with context sheets and stratigraphy - well it is for me!
Which theory has stood the test of time?   Last small area being cleaned before we wrap up Trench 3.
Project Record: 18     Last Update on: 13-06-2018 06:24:06     Internet Views: 1011