Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 16 (Final Day Part 2 of 2) of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK.
Click images to enlarge > Close image tab to return
Trench 3 Photogrammetry (TIP: Click to view full screen then key Ctrl+ to zoom in and Ctrl- to zoom out) Trench 3 backfilled
This is the final daily blog page for this excavation. If you have any questions about Altogether Archaeology, or this and future digs or fieldwork activities, then please use the contact page.

Image top left shows Trench 3 yesterday. Image top right shows Trench 3 twenty-four hours later.

Images bottom left and right: Altogether Archaeology members decamping after a brilliant 16 day excavation at Holwick in Teesdale, where everyone locally has welcomed us. We only lost one hour to the rain, which must be some sort of record for a North Pennine excavation.

The photogrammetry of Trench 3 can be viewed by this Sketchfab link.

Trench 3 3D model: Once clicked it will take some time to load depending on your connection.
Mouse controls: rotate = drag left click, pan = drag right click, zoom = mouse wheel.

Members winding the excavation up and returning the site to the Oystercatchers, Lapwings and the odd Peregrine or two   Members winding the excavation up
Project Record: 23     Last Update on: 02-11-2018 06:35:27     Internet Views: 1122