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Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Holwick 2019 Excavation
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End of 2018 dig photo. The 2018 excavation was sponsored by Northern Heartlands We are grateful for their support.
At the September meeting, the Management Committee decided to return to Well Head, Holwick in May 2019. This is likely to be the last excavation at this particular site.

Whilst the new trenches have not been decided on yet, one is likely to be the main house foundation on the hill where the GPS datum is located.

The excavations will start on Saturday 11th May and finish Sunday 26th May 2019. Each day the dig will start at 0900h until 1600h

Hopefully this will give those who wish to book accommodation and arrange holidays sufficient time to plan.

You may email Tony your preferred dates using - the list is OPEN. You must be a member to excavate.
Project Record: 26     Last Update on: 21-01-2019 13:41:36     Internet Views: 950