Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2019 Excavation Blog
Day 1 of the Well Head Excavation May 11th
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Trench 3 Trench 3
Today was mainly spent deturfing and Trowelling the loose top soil.
Images 1 and 2 are of Trench 3 which was initially opened last year revealing a medieval cruck house. Today we reopened two sections of that trench to look closer at two aspects that we didn't have time to complete last year.

Image one: shows one of the padstones that once supported a cruck. This will be excavated to see if there is a post hole underneath the padstone.

Image two: this should eventually reveal a hearth that appears to be earlier than the cruck house. This will be further excavated to see if we can see traces of an older structures there.

Image three: Trench 6 is sited on another rectangular building that is smaller than the cruck house in Trench 3.

Image four: Trench 7 is a another rectangular building, much smaller than the others. Only half of it is accessible as an enclosure dry-stone wall is built across it. There appears to be a small enclosure attached to the eastern end.
Trench 6   Trench 7
Project Record: 32     Last Update on: 11-05-2019 17:23:43     Internet Views: 865