Selected Project Article

Gueswick Hills
Gueswick Hills Excavation Oct / Nov 2019
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Drone image of the 4 (A,B,C & D)selected sites examined using a Bartington Fluxgate Gradiometer. Magnetic survey locations map (A to D).
This is the fourth phase in investigating this site in Teesdale, County Durham, U.K. Altogether Archaeology has examined this site using: lidar, a walkover archaeological survey and magnetometry.

The Magnetic survey & Excavation Project design pdf downloads are available on this webpage: Altogther Archaeology Reports (pdf)

Details of the Guestwick excavation near Cotherstone, Teesdale from Oct 28 to Nov 03 are available here: Altogether Archaeology activity information

The interim report will be made available in early 2020. Further excavation (free to AA members) will take place in May 2020 see Activities page.
Magnetic survey locations map (A to D) on top of lidar image.   Magnetic survey data (A & C) on top of lidar image.
Project Record: 43     Last Update on: 29-12-2019 10:43:41     Internet Views: 1140