Selected Project Article

Gueswick 2020 Research
Research by members of the TerrACE Team and Perry Gardner - Durham University
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Professor Antony Brown - Tromso University - Terrace Project Leader Ben Pears - Southampton University

The TerrACE Team is led by Professor Antony Brown they are producing a toolkit and approach for the EU and FAO-UNESCO to deal with the archaeology of terrace and lynchet systems – put very very basically: How old are they? What were they constructed for and how? And lastly how important as a carbon sink and how stable are they? After discussions with Martin Green, Perry Gardner and Tony Metcalfe several test pit sites were selected. Perry had already opened two test pits for his PhD research and suggested three more would be useful. Some committee members assisted with this work for two days then back filling. The TerrACE team were on site for four days, the results of the soil samples many carefully taken for OSL testing will take several months to process.

Dr Lisa Snape - University of Salzburg   Perry Gardner - Durham University
Project Record: 49     Last Update on: 21-10-2020 16:56:02     Internet Views: 831