Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 4 of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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Trench 5 having a final clean up before being photographed Trench 4: We are still trying to find some definitive evidence to categorise this earthwork.
Day 4 another scorching day. Well by North Pennine standards anyway.

All three trenches will be starting to look at lower layers tomorrow once all of the photogrammetry has been completed.

The 4 images are showing: Trench 3 top left, Trench 4 top right and bottom left, and Sue and Julia working in Trench 5.

Trench 3 has already had the photogrammetry taken allowing random post medieval demolition stones to be unpicked from the eastern end. We are hoping that both trenches 4 and 5 will have more archaeology beneath the current layers.
Trench 4 extension being cleaned today   Trench 5: The western end of this scooped rectangular platform will soon be photographed. The eastern end of what we originally thought was a second cell, is still looking problematic.
Project Record: 9     Last Update on: 15-05-2018 19:18:21     Internet Views: 1144