Selected Project Article

Well Head Deserted Settlement 2018 Excavation Blog
Day 16 (Final Day Part 1 of 2) of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK
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We lost approximately 1 hour of the dig in 16 days to rain. Guess when we had our group photo? Group members indicating where the main roof post timbers where positioned on weight bearing pad-stones.
Today's images are:

Top left: Altogether Archaeology group photo.

Top right: Group members indicating where the main roof post timbers where positioned on weight bearing pad-stones.

Last notable find was the flint shown in the two images below left and right.

Day 16 (Final Day Part 2 of 2) of the excavation at the Well Head Settlement, Holwick, Teesdale, UK

Nice flint found today by Catherine. Two 'cherty flints' have been found at this excavation too.   Nice flint found today by Catherine.
Project Record: 22     Last Update on: 28-05-2018 07:40:27     Internet Views: 1101